Lab Principal Investigator

Dr. Danielle D. King
Associate Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Rice University
Phone: 713-348-4458

Dr. King is an Assistant Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her research centers on the topics of employee resilience, intersectionality, and authenticity. Specifically, her work involves a) offering conceptual clarity and improved measurement to the resilience domain via integration with motivation frameworks, b) uncovering how daily workplace resilience can be fostered, c) highlighting the unique perceptions and experiences of individuals when considering multiple social categories in tandem, and d) finding ways to help employees experience authenticity at work. Her work has been funded by the National Science Foundation and published in both book chapters and scientific articles. She received her B.A. in Psychology from Spelman College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in IO Psychology from Michigan State University.

Danielle King is an expert in the study of employee and organizational resilience. As a New Orleans native, following her personal experience of losing and subsequently helping to adapt her family indoor rock-climbing business post-Hurricane Katrina, she seeks to uncover methods to create resilience in individuals and groups at work.

“I am inspired by and drawn to the ‘Houston Strong’ motto and the city’s ongoing resilience efforts. These efforts and communities embody many of the characteristics important for resilience, such as social support, shared identity and available resources.”

  • Best Paper Award, Academy of Management (2017)
  • King-Chávez-Parks Fellow (2017-2018)
  • Joseph L. White Outstanding Research Award (2017)
  • National Science Foundation East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute Fellow in New Zealand (2015)
  • National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2013-2016)
  • Michigan State University Distinguished Fellow (2012-2017)
  • Rice University Scholar-Athlete Favorite Professor Award (2018)
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award Nominee (2020)
  • Sophia Meyer Farb Junior Faculty Teaching Award Finalist (2021)
  • Rice GSA Faculty Teaching/Mentoring Award (2021)
  • Rice School of Social Sciences Dean’s Junior Faculty Distinguished Research Award (2022)